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  • Writer's picturefaithebennett

Peace in Today's Chaos

With all the uncertainty and chaos going on, my mom and I have both been saying this one line, “One day at a time.” Each time I hear, or say this, I am reminded of the command Jesus gives us in Matthew.

“Therefore don’t worry about tomorrow because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” - Matthew 6:34, CSB

This verse comes from the Sermon of the Mount that Jesus gives in Matthew 5-7. In these three chapters, Jesus lays out what it means to be the inheritance of the Kingdom, and in the middle of this famous sermon, we are reminded to not be anxious. In Matthew 6:25-34, we see how God takes care of the fields and the birds, but then we have the great reminder that how much more with God do for us, the image bearer of Christ.

How true that each day has enough troubles of its own, but how encouraging that Jesus is saying here that we only should focus on this day we are in, and focus on Him through it. When one is overcome with the things in the future they cannot control, they aren’t resting in the hope of Christ. Don’t set your mind to things of this world, and find peace in tomorrow, but rather rest in the comforts God provides today.

Anxiety and fears can come and destroy so many people, but it doesn’t have to. If we are truly children of God, we don’t have to live in anxiety, but rather lean in on God. He is the Refuge, and the Comforter. He is also the one that knows the past, present, and future. The Coronavirus was not a surprise to Him, and neither will be the next big trial we face.

We might be physically isolated through this, but we will never be isolated if we have Christ. Trust in that! Be encouraged to run to God through this, and not to social media, or the news outlets. Be encouraged to seek the King who will provide peace when everyone else is telling you to panic. Be encouraged to as 1 Peter 5:7 says, “cast your cares on Him, because he cares about you.” Be encouraged to seek community of other believers through this time of loneliness. Be encouraged to serve your community through this. And be encouraged to look at this one day at a time, not worrying about what tomorrow will bring.

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